Woman eating healthy salad

Be Healthy, Be Balanced, and Be Your True Self

Being healthy is the journey towards a happy and balanced life. Make it possible by utilizing Ayurvedic practices to eliminate dosha imbalance from the body and be in harmony with nature.

From digestive disorders and skin diseases to women's healthcare, we offer several treatment plans after analyzing the root cause of the condition.

digestive disorders

Digestive Disorders

Digestion is one of the most important processes to maintain our body. Our body is developed from the food we eat. Digestion is important because of two aspects. Firstly all the metabolism happening in our body are directly or indirectly affected by digestion. Secondly, we have a control over it; we are selecting the food undergoing digestion. Digestive system is highly influenced by what we eat, when we eat and how we eat.
Read more about Digestive Disorders

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Skin Diseases

Skin is the largest organ in our body providing protection, sensation and beauty. It is directly exposed to the external world, making it susceptible to infections and disorders. Healthy skin comes from a healthy body. Ayurveda teaches that even though external factors are the important causes for skin disorders skin will resist diseases, so far it is healthy.
Read more about Skin Diseases

Respiratory Diseases

Respiratory Diseases

Respiration is one of the vital functions of body which is essential to maintain life. The quality of respiration considerably affects the health of the organs and cells. To be healthy it is important to carry out the process of respiration to more or less full extent, so that all tissues are supplied with oxygen as needed and can perform their functions to the full extent
Read more about Respiratory Diseases

Ayurveda Retreat Woman

Ayurveda For Women

Women are the centre of creation of Mother Nature. Health of women considerably affects the health of the future generation and wellness of the family. As hormone levels vary significantly from age to age she needs special care in her different stages of life. These hormonal variations also make females prone to stress and degenerations. For thousands of years, Ayurveda, the science of life and a way of living .
Read more about Ayurveda for Women.

Locomotor Care

Locomotor Care

Most of the time, the quality of our life is determined by the quality of our activities. From smiling to walking, movements are carried out with the help of the specific group of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and joints. These organs together form loco motor system. Usually pain and/ or limitation of the movement are the first and most common symptoms of the imbalance of this system, which can affect movements immediately or later depending upon the cause.
Read more about Locomotor Care.

Wellness Care

Wellness Care

Ayurveda, holistic system of health and illness, gives prime importance to maintaining and promoting health. In wellness care, Rafeena focuses mainly applying these principles to improve your health and wellness. Wellness care is advised mainly for persons who are experiencing stress, minor health issues and/ or to improve general health.
Read more about Wellness Care