Ayurveda is a natural medicine of Indian subcontinent having a holistic approach and recognised by World health Organisations (WHO). Instead of treating diseases, it treats patients. Comparing to other systems of medicines, it is unique in different ways. Understanding the uniqueness of Ayurveda will help you to determine why you should follow Ayurveda.

Benefits of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is the Mother of all Natural Healing
Ayurveda was gradually evolved and developed in India about 5000 years ago. You can find teachings of Ayurveda in Vedas, one of the oldest available writings of the world. Many historians suggest that it is from India, Chinese and Arabs learned medicine, and spread into Europe resulting into development of other systems of medicine.
Ayurveda is time tested
Ayurveda defines Life
Ayurveda is applicable and effective still Today
Even though Ayurveda is based on theories that are developed thousands of years ago, they are applicable and effective still today. These theories equip Ayurveda to understand newly discovered diseases and to provide treatments. In fact, in today’s world Ayurveda’s possibilities are higher. Living close to nature by following Ayurveda can prevent the occurrence of life style diseases. If used properly, most of Ayurvedic herbal products have only little or no side effects, so it can be used in old age safely. More over Ayurveda can be integrated with other systems of medicine to manage complex pathologies and/ or prevent or reduce side effects.
Ayurveda gives emphasis on Health and Prevention of Diseases
Ayurveda defines health as ‘a balance of body constituents, proper elimination and wellness of special perception, mind and soul’ in Susruta samhita, a book dating back to BC 500. Almost all classical Ayurvedic books begin with defining, caring and promoting health. Ayurveda narrates daily regimes, seasonal regimes, diet and social and occupational factors that can increase our wellness.
Ayurveda helps to prevent Diseases and Promote Wellbeing
If you apply Ayurveda in your daily life, you will be able to prevent the occurrence of diseases. Also, according to Ayurveda, a disease manifests after passing through four stages of pathology. If these stages are diagnosed timely, it is possible to prevent the progress of pathology and occurrence of future diseases.