1. Abhyanga /Ayurvedic Therapeutic Oil Massage

Read more about Abhyanga..
100$ (1 hour)
125$ (75 minutes)
145$ (90 minutes)
2. Ayurvedic Marma Massage

Read more about Ayurvedic Marma Massage..
130$ (1 hour)
160$ (75 minutes)
185$ (90 minutes)
3. Ayurvedic Head Massage (Champi)

Read more about Ayurvedic Head Massage..
55$ (30 minutes)
4. Ayurvedic Foot Massage

Read more about Ayurvedic Foot Massage..
55$ (30 minutes)
5. Steam Therapies

Here steam coming from herbal tea is channelled to a chamber where you can sit. Alternatively steam can be channelled to your body or specific regions through a pipe. Steam therapies help to improve circulation, dilate the channels in the body and to open the pours in the skin there by facilitating the flow of toxins and their elimination. Sweat itself is a way of taking toxins out of the system. Steam therapies are an essential component of Ayurvedic detox programs.
Read more about Steam Therapies..
44$(30 minutes)
25$ (15 minutes)
6. Shirodhara

Read more about Shirodhara..
130$ (1 hour)
7. Ayurvedic Therapeutic Herbal Scrub/ Udwartana

Read more about Ayurvedic Therapeutic Herbal Scrub/ Udwartana..
160$ (75 minutes)
190$ (90 minutes)
8. Ayurvedic Nasal Detox/ Ayurvedic Sinus Treatments (Nasya)

Read more about Ayurvedic Nasal Detox/ Ayurvedic Sinus Treatments..
90$ (1 hour)
9. Ayurvedic Pouch/Poultice Massage (Pinda/ Kizhi)

Read more about Ayurvedic Pouch/Poultice Massage..
130$ (1 hour)
160$ (75 minutes)
10. Rejuvenating Pouch Massage (Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda)

Read more about Rejuvenating Pouch Massage..
199$ (90 minutes)
11. Kati Basti

Read more about Kati Basti..
115$ (1 hour)
135$ (75 minutes)
12. Griva Basti

Read more about Griva Basti..
115$ (1 hour)
135$ (75 minutes)
13. Customized Ayurvedic Treatments

Ayurveda offers wide range of other treatments like herbalized oil pack (on head, low back, etc.), streaming of warm herbalized liquids/ oil over the whole body, etc. which have specific therapeutic benefits. Also different treatments can be formulated or combined to meet the special health issues and needs of you. Duration and cost depends upon your imbalance, the treatments involved and time required.
Read more about Customized Ayurvedic Treatments..