Watermelon is juicy, sweet, and as the name suggests, it holds high water content (92%). Consuming watermelon will make you feel full without a lot of calories. It includes vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, vitamins B1,B5, and B6. Mint is a popular herb that can be used as fresh or dried in many dishes. Mint has the highest antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property.
This recipe includes light olive oil or avocado oil as a dressing base. Avocado oil is neutral in flavour that generally adds desired oil taste in a fruit salad.Light olive oil will flavour the salad with less calorie content. The sweetness of watermelon along with the refreshing taste of mint and lime will a perfect blend like a dessert more than a salad.
• 1 watermelon
• 1/4 cup mint
• 2 tbsp light olive or avocado oil
• 1 tbsp lime zest
• 2 tbsp lime juice
Scoop out the watermelon using a melon baller or you can cut into cubes with a knife. Take a bowl and mix olive oil or avocado oil, lime zest, and mint with the sliced watermelon. Pour lime juice mixture over the watermelon and mix it until well coated. Serve it immediately.
Things to remember:
1. This recipe can be upgraded by adding pomegranate, mozzarella cheese, chunks of cucumber, zucchini, rockets, celery and/ or cooked corn.
2. This salad can be turned into a meal by adding 3-4 tablespoons of cooked couscous, cooked quinoa or brown rice.
3. This is a very good recipe for Pitta generally in summer and for Vata and Kapha on really hot days for lunch/ afternoon snack.
4. A pinch of black pepper can lift the flavours, especially for Kapha.